About Us
At the Living to 100 Club, our mission is to promote successful aging and a positive mindset. Your Guide to Better, Longer & Happier Card Decks are a practical extension of this mission, offering seniors and their caregivers tools to foster healthy lifestyles, resilience, and psychological well-being in daily life. The Living to 100 Club is the creation of Dr. Joe Casciani, a psychologist, who has specialized in senior care for over 30 years.
I think we all need to re-define ourselves as strong, resilient, and capable of seeing a positive future for ourselves. I have created Your Guide to Better, Longer & Happier to offer inspiration about aging, and to bring perspectives to our audience that help with living long, healthy lives, and give us new opportunities for fun, relaxation, safety, and comfort.
His work in the field of aging has taught him many things:
* Our future should be bigger than our past – when our past is more important than our future, we get stuck and stop growing.
* Age is only a number, and doesn't tell us anything about who we should or shouldn't be.
* Older adults face many challenges, both age-related changes as well as unexpected problems and setbacks.
* Our mental outlook – what we see in our future – has a huge impact on how well we manage these day-to-day challenges. So, how we explain or interpret these life events can color our ability to overcome them – or not.
* And, we all have a vast reservoir of energy and creative spirit inside, sometimes untapped. When we can tap this internal energy and dig deep, we can take on new challenges with a drive and determination that we didn’t know we had.
Anyone can join the Club. If you want to join, though, you agree to:
* re-think traditional, stereotyped views about getting older, and throwing off those limitations we put on "older" adults;
* accept that successful aging means coping with whatever struggle comes our way – physical, social, or financial;
* create a mental picture of yourself as someone much younger than your chronological age – Why not!
Our Club Members plan on Living to 100. We won’t be slowed down in our advancing years, we want to take control of our own future, regardless of our health status, and we commit to moving forward no matter how many bumps we encounter along the way.
After all, Living to 100 is a mindset more than anything, a metaphor for pushing ahead.
That’s the goal. Join the Club, where Members are turning aging on its head.
The Founder of the Living to 100 Club resides in San Diego, California, USA, and can be reached at Info@Livingto100.Club.
"Living to 100 Club" and the tagline “turning aging on its head” are registered service mark registrations with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Registration #'s 6123576 and 6107172, respectively.
Mini Bio
Dr. Joseph Casciani has a 40-year history with older adults as a psychologist and manager of mental health practices. He was awarded the first contracts from the California Department of Aging in 1982 to develop mental health training for the state’s nursing homes. For 16 years, he was the clinical lead for a large mental health practice where he oversaw mental health programs to patients in hundreds of nursing homes, in eight states; this was followed by managing his own professional corporations for 11 years.
He is the author of the Handbook of Health and Behavior, and other articles and book chapters. His latest book is Living Longer IS the New Normal.
In 2018, he extended his professional interest in aging into a new venture, the Living to 100 Club. The website, www.Livingto100.Club offers a collection of articles and resources on successful aging. He has hosted the Living to 100 Club podcast for over 230 episodes. Guests discuss health and fitness, lifestyle medicine, mental health, gerontology, and related fields. The goal of the Living to 100 Club is to help members live longer, healthier, and happier lives, and if this is not in the cards, to stay positive while trying.
Dr. Casciani is now a consultant, public speaker, podcaster, and clinical trainer.